The Story of Sloyd




Läs gärna berättelsen om Otto Salomons gärningar! Sammanställt av Hans Thorbjörnsson.
Salomon created what he called Swedish educational sloyd or Nääs-slöjd. Most important was the system —a number of principles or aims that should not to be changed.
The system of educational handicrafts included the following aims.
(Numbers 1 to 8 are of a formative character, numbers 9 and 10 can be classified as utilitarian).

    1. To instil a taste for and an appreciation of work in general.
    2. To create a respect for hard, honest, physical labour;
    3. To develop independence and self-reliance.
    4. To provide training in the habits of order, accuracy, cleanliness and neatness.
    5. To train the eye to see accurately and to appreciate the sense of beauty in form.
    6. To develop the sense of touch and to give general dexterity to the hands.
    7. To inculcate the habits of attention, industry, perseverance and patience.
    8. To promote the development of the body’s physical powers.
    9. To acquire dexterity in the use of tools.
    10. To execute precise work and to produce useful products.

Det här inlägget skrevs av Carl HD